First ACCSSO Conference Was a Success
The first ever ACCSSO conference took place at Cape Fear Community College: Union Station in Wilmington on September 29th and lasted 3 days. The conference was an informative event where the minds of safety and security from various community colleges came together to share information and ideas for improving the safety and security in the community college system. This has become a great opportunity for community college safety and security officials to help each other when questions arise.
Some of our very own ACCSSO members took the stage and covered a variety of informative topics including:
Day 2
Safety Culture in the Academic setting : Matt Holliday
OSHA required training and programs review: Allen McCullough
Office Ergonomics: Doug Plautz
Emergency Response Planning and Security Best Practices
Overview of Wake Tech New Alert System: Mike Penry
Wayne CC Shooting Aftermath: Chris Schott
Day 3
NCDOL Health and Safety Compliance Overview
OSHA Q&A with OSHA compliance officer: Ted Hendrix
The conference also became an opportunity for members to get to know each other through fun activities and going out to dinner after meeting hours. On Day 2 ACCSSO had a fun night of bowling and eating at Cardinal Lanes Shipyard bowling alley in Wilmington owned by the parents of our very own VP Zac Schnell.
Thank you to everyone who came out to the September ACCSSO conference. We hope to see everyone who came again as we continue to grow. The current plan is to have the next conference in April at Asheville, but no set days have been confirmed. Check in to our Calendar page to keep track of the dates and activities that are being planed for the next conference in Asheville.